Monday, May 24, 2010

Farm Plans

After spending a little over 2 months without a power cord for my computer, I am finally back online!
Here is what's been going on. Many of my ambitions for the garden have had to fall by the wayside, partly due to my own laziness but mostly to seeds not wanting to germinate. Total bummer. So I had to go back to square one and re-order beans (green and dry-soup varieties), peppers and tomatoes. Now my tomatoes are about 2 inches tall, instead of the 8-10 inches that they should be; this makes me worry that I may not have any tomatoes to harvest at all before fall frost.

On the bright side, my snow peas are going like gang busters and I am already harvesting some super delicious broccoli and spinach.  The lettuces will be ready for harvest in the next couple of weeks and the brussel sprouts are looking good too. Now if I could just get the carrots, turnips and cucumbers to do something!

In other news, I made an appointment to meet with a realtor this weekend.  The Hubster and I are dreaming of owning our own farm/homestead where we can grow ALL of our own food and host small group camp-outs.  So, we will be looking at some large tracts of wooded land that we can build on.  As unrealistic as this maybe, I am still hopeful that we will be able to find something we really like this weekend and get a bid in.

That's where I'm at right now...dreaming of woods, babbling brooks and sheep. What are you dreaming of?


  1. Good luck! I have turkey chicks,chicken chicks and piglets on the go right now but I do dream of goats to milk and make my own cheese and I would love to grow mustard seed and have my own mill to make grainy mustard! Maybe one day...

  2. Sounds like you are busy, busy, busy! I also dream of raising chickens, pigs, turkeys, goats and maybe some cows. My darling daughter (a.k.a. Demon Child) wants me to get a llama or two to help guard the sheep.

    Like you, I dream of making my own goat cheeses. One day, indeed,....
